ZOYA.NINJA - RPS E-Sport League as a VIRTUAL SPORTS ASSOCIATION, it was created to practice E-sport activities with the help of computing devices and software, to create a competitive activity, which serves to maintain and develop mental performance and where the competitors can achieve, according to the rules defined in the competition announcement, using their mental abilities, thanks to the results of their strategic decision-making success.

As a result of the competitions, successful decision-making based on statistics and previous results and the information provided is recognized and rewarded. Competitors make decisions based on their own strategy and collected information, perform various operations and constructions.

Competitors' rewards are NFTs that can be sold later or used to participate in further competitions.

I. Data of the Virtual Sports Association

1. The name of the association: ZOYA.NINJA - RPS E-Sport League

2. Form of the association: Virtual Sports Association

The Virtual Sports Association does not qualify as an independent legal entity, it does not have an organizational structure or managers.

3. Any natural person or competitor who a ZOYA.NINJA Register on the RPS E-Sport League page. Competitors will receive a registration number and a certificate of membership.

4. Operator: ZOYA.NINJA RPS E-Sport Liga Civil Law Association

5. Virtual Sports Association, as an online E-Sport system, operates on the following website: zoja.ninja

6. Protection of intellectual property

Rights to the Website

The Website, the User interface and all its contents are protected by the Operator's intellectual property rights. The member may only browse and download the content of the Website for personal, non-commercial purposes.

The member may not reproduce, copy, distribute, sell, forward, modify, edit the content of the Website, interfere with it, or use it for purposes contrary to or different from the goals of the website and the Virtual Sports Association.

The trademarks, trade names, logos, graphic elements, design, page layout, photos, videos, software, texts or other elements placed on the Website - regardless of whether they are registered elements or not - are the intellectual property of the Operator, they are subject to the prior written consent of the member you may not use it without consent.

The member assumes responsibility for any damage to the Operator caused by the illegal use of the Website or any of its contents.

Other prohibited uses

The member undertakes to comply with the applicable laws and these Terms and Conditions when using the Website, the User Interface and the Account, and not to damage the good reputation of the Operator in any way.

The member undertakes not to interfere with the protection, technical essence or content of the Website, not to disassemble or decipher the Website (reverse engineering), not to collect data from the Website (web mining), not to use the Website for unsolicited messages (spam) and will not send messages containing viruses or any dangerous or harmful programs to the Website.

7. Definitions

The Operator makes every effort to ensure that the Website, the User Interface and the Account are continuously available and to protect them from normal risks, but is not responsible for the downtime of the Website and the User Interface or the unavailability of the Member Account due to a force majeure event, which the Operator was unable to influence or prevent in any way. Furthermore, the Operator is not responsible for modifications or inoperability of the Website caused by unauthorized access - primarily hacker attacks or denial of service type attacks. The Operator is not responsible for any damage to the member that may arise as a result of downtime or unauthorized access. Furthermore, the Operator does not assume the risk of damage (that is, it is not responsible for the damage) if it is proven that a violation of the member's rights would have occurred anyway or that the damage was caused by the member's own behavior or carelessness.

II. The purpose and activities of the association

1. The aim of the association: Primarily to organize competitions for the membership.

The purpose of the competition created by the Virtual Sports Association

ZOYA.NINJA - The purpose of the RPS E-Sport League competition announcement

Activities of the association:

III. General rules for the operation of the association

IV. Membership fee, other fees

Joining the Virtual Sports Association is free, membership is established by registration.

The member is obliged to pay the fees of the NINJAs hired by him, the entrance fees to the DOJOS, in cryptocurrency.

Payment in cryptocurrency is made without cash, namely by transfer to the wallet address generated on the user interface. Fees are considered paid the moment they are credited to the specified wallet.

V. The membership

A natural person who agrees with the objectives of the association and accepts the provisions of the General Agreement may become a member of the Virtual Sports Association.

Voting rights

The value of your voting right depends on your belt level.

In every voting anybody can take just one vote, and the answer with the most points will be the winner and the Operator will implement that decision.

VI. Creation of the membership relationship

Membership of the Virtual Sports Association is created by registration (accepting the entry statement). During registration, the member provides the wallet address of the cryptocurrency wallet he uses, the username he wants to use, and the country he wants to represent in the competition, and declares his acceptance of the conditions. The member does not provide more data, and the operator does not request it.

The declaration of entry is issued automatically during registration, and the registered member is notified of its assessment by issuing a certificate.

The member acknowledges that it is not recommended to transfer any data of the profile to third parties, they are transferred solely at their own risk. The Operator is not responsible for the loss or disclosure of login data by the member. In all cases, the member is obliged to immediately notify the Operator of any possible loss of data or misuse of the Account.

VII. Termination of membership

1. Membership is terminated:

a./ By canceling the member's profile

b./ With the death of the member,

c./ Excluding the member.

2. The member can cancel his membership of the Virtual Spot Association at any time by canceling his digital profile confirming his membership.

3. The board of directors of the company operating the platform of the Virtual Sports Association may exclude any member (terminate their profile) if it detects that the member violates the rules established by the Virtual Sports Association, in particular:

Exclusion can be initiated by anyone who has credible knowledge of the above.

VIII. Members' rights

A member of the Virtual Sports Association is entitled to:

a./ after the association registration, before the start of the competition, to select the environmental protection ecosystem he wants to build

b./ to participate in the competitions of his choice

c./ to collect and sell the NFT received for the result achieved in the competition, use it to participate in VIP competitions, use it to redeem a permanent membership

d./ Seasonal Champions and World Champions are entitled to monthly awards for 3 and 12 months

e./ Seasonal Champions and World Champions are entitled to wear the title

f./The World Champion has the right to choose the country he prefers and the desired environmental protection development, which will be implemented by the company creating the Virtual Sports Association

g./ members are also entitled to prize competitions by fulfilling the conditions

h./ members are entitled to obtain a belt level corresponding to their experience

IX. Obligations of members

Member of the Virtual Sports Association:

a./ It must not endanger the realization of the association's goal and the association's activities.

b./ Obligation to comply with the prescribed competition rules and regulation systems

c./ He is obliged to compete fairly and respect his competitors

X. Organs of the association

The Virtual Sports Association does not have independent organizational units.

Members are entitled to vote on issues related to the definition of development directions put to a vote by the company that created the Virtual Sports Association. Members' right to vote is determined by the belt grade they have achieved. The voting and its results are public. The results of the vote are for information purposes only, and are not binding on the owners.

X. AML rules

XI. Expiry

The Virtual Sports Association is terminated if the founding company decides to terminate it. In the event of termination, the members must be accounted for.

XII. Final provisions


1. License and Agreement.

By concluding the merchant agreement ("Contract"), you request legal authorization to become a merchant and enter into a contract with the Operator. You acknowledge that you have received, read and understand the Policies and Procedures incorporated into this Agreement as posted on their website prior to signing. You have read and accept all the terms contained in this Agreement.

2. Expiration, Renewal and Termination.

The condition for participating in the affiliate system is to hire a clan of 20 NINJAs every 30 days.

By paying the fee, the business builder acquires business partner status for 30 days after the purchase. The quality of a business partner can only be limited or terminated in accordance with the regulations in force.

The Operator reserves the right to terminate any business partnership agreement with 30 days' notice if the Operator decides to:

(1) ceases all or part of its business activities;

(2) the company providing the Operator service ceases or ceases to exist, or

(3) the Virtual Sports Association decides on dissolution.

Business Partners may terminate this Agreement at any time and for any reason by deleting their profiles.

3. Independent entrepreneur status.

You agree that this agreement does not make you an employee, agent or representative of Virtual Sports Association or the Operator. As a self-employed person, you will operate your own independent business. You have complete freedom to determine the number of hours you devote to your business and schedule those hours at your sole discretion. Accounting for income in your individual income tax return will be your sole responsibility.

4. Presentation of the Compensation Plan.

You agree that when presenting the Compensation Plan, you will present it in its entirety as described in the official materials, emphasizing that you will be compensated in the form of bonuses for sales to prospective members outside the sales network. By presenting the plan to potential customers, you agree not to use any literature, material or support material that has not been prepared by the Operator or specifically authorized in writing.

You understand that success in the community requires hard work, dedication and sales skills. With this understanding, you agree to refrain from presenting the opportunity as a passive investment program.

5. Sale of the Service.

You agree not to make any representations or claims regarding the Services other than those stated in the official literature. You further agree to only sell services available in authorized territories.

6. Proprietary Information and Trade Secrets.

You acknowledge and agree that information compiled or maintained by the Operator, including Line of Sponsorship (LOS) information (i.e., information that discloses or relates to a specific arrangement for in-store sponsorship, including without limitation) as set forth in the Policies and Procedures , lists of affiliates, sponsorship tickets and all information derived from them, in their current or future forms), constitutes the commercially beneficial, unique and protected secret of the Operator, which it will treat as proprietary and confidential, and treat as a trade secret during the term of the contract.

The Operator grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable right to use the trade secret, confidential and proprietary business information, which includes without limitation the LOS information, business reports, service improvements and affiliate sales, revenue and other financial reports that facilitate your business.

7. Agreement without invitation.

In accordance with the Policies and Procedures, you agree not to solicit, solicit or otherwise attempt to recruit or induce any other company to compete with the business during the existence of the Operator and for one calendar year after the resignation, renewal or termination of the business .

8. Jurisdiction and Governing Law.

The creation, structure, interpretation and enforceability of the contract concluded with the Operator, as this affiliate agreement and the incorporated documents are regulated in all respects by the international laws, and they can be interpreted in all respects.

9. Online copy.

The online copy of the Agreement is considered original in all respects and is valid even without signatures.

10. Dispute resolution.

All disputes and claims related to the Operator, its services, the Operator's rights and obligations, or any other claim related to the performance of an Affiliate or Operator pursuant to the Agreement shall be fully and definitively settled by arbitration.

This arbitration agreement will survive termination or expiration of this Agreement. Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the Operator from applying to any court of competent jurisdiction and obtaining a writ of attachment, injunction, temporary injunction, preliminary injunction, final injunction or other equitable remedy to protect and defend its interests before, during or thereafter. pending the filing of any arbitration or other proceeding, or the issuance of any decision or award related to any arbitration or other proceeding.

11. Time limitation.

If a Merchant wishes to bring an action against the Operator for any act or omission related to or arising from the Agreement, such action must be brought within one month of the date of the alleged conduct giving rise to the action. The business partner waives all other statutes of limitations.

12. Non-refundable administration fees and purchases.

You acknowledge and agree that any purchase you make is a non-refundable payment. Due to the digital nature of the service and the immediacy of the benefits, refunds are not commercially possible.

13. Miscellaneous Provisions

If any provision of the Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be amended only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one instrument.

The provisions of this Agreement, including all documents incorporated herein by reference, constitute the entire agreement between you and the Operator and supersede all prior agreements, understandings and obligations between you and the Operator relating to the subject matter of this Agreement.

14. Right of Withdrawal.

You can cancel your participation as a partner at any time. Business Partners may terminate this Agreement at any time and for any reason by deleting their profiles.

15. The salesperson's remuneration is included in the Marketing plan.

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