Competitive Grades
Competitors, based on the number of fights played, reach a belt level.
Belt steps
- yellow belt from 50 competitions
- orange belt from 100 competitions
- green belt from 250 competitions
- blue belt from 500 competitions
- brown belt from 800 competitions
- black belt from 1000 competitions
After the contestant reaches the black belt, there will be infinity NINJAs!
Consolation prize
The contestant who is eliminated in the first head-to-head fight after three practice matches is automatically get immediately a new competitive opportunity in a higher level DOJO, but you don't need to use additional NINJAs to play.
DOJO Prizes
After the battle, the winner is rewarded with an NFT, the value of which depends on the DOJO in which the battle took place.
NFTs in the DOJOs
2.9 units (2.9 USDC) -
29 units (29 USDC) -
87 units (87 USDC) -
145 units (145 USDC) -
232 units (232 USDC) -
464 units (464 USDC) -
870 units (870 USDC) -
870 units (870 USDC)
At the end of the fight, the winner has the option not to take the NFT, but to receive its value. This option is only available then, not later.
For the returning contestants, the Guardian of the Dragons - a competition platform operating company - sends free NINJAs.
Competitors who rent a clan of 20 NINJAs for battles at least once a month after registering as a competitor will receive the continuous return after purchase for their participation are eligible for a NINJAs gift. Free NINJAs will be awarded as follows:
Return rewards
- daily return 1 NINJA
- daily return 1 NINJA
- daily return 2 NINJA
- daily return 2 NINJA
- daily return 2 NINJA
- daily return 2 NINJA
- daily return 5 NINJA
IMPORTANT! Return rewards, only after purchasing a team of 20 per month and only live for one week.
2,500 building blocks are required to build any independent ecosystem - mountain, forest or ore mine. Anyone who builds their own ecosystem of 2,500 building blocks within 3 months of registration will automatically receive unlimited perpetual membership.
Prizes of champions
SPRING, SUMMER, FALL and WINTER CHAMPIONS will each receive 1% of ALL THE DOJO INCOME income - in the champion wins - for 3 months after win the title. For example, if you are the Spring Champion in the 2nd DOJO, you will have 1% income after all of the income of the 2dn DOJOs for 3 months!
The World Champion receive 1% OF ALL DOJOS TOTAL INCOME IN THE SYSTEM (1-7th!!!) for 12 months. YES!!!! It REALLY MEANS that if YOU ARE THE WORLD CHAMPION you will have 1% income from ALL OF THE DOJOS FOR 12 MONTHS! Can you IMMAGINE????
1% income from the dojo where won
for 3 months -
1% income from all of the dojos
for 12 months
The World Champion can hold the following title for one year:
"ZOYA.NINJA - RPS E-Sports League World Champion"