In these Regulations, the Data Controller (the Operator) provides information on how it handles your personal data.

With these Regulations, the Data Controller fulfills its obligation to inform the data subjects.


In accordance with the principle of data saving, the Data Controller decided not to process personal data as a general rule. With the exception of an investigation covering possible violations of the AML rules, you do not have to provide the Operator with any personal data.

The Operator does not collect or store personal data.


The Data Controller only requests personal data directly from you during the AML procedure.

In the case of the AML procedure, your name, place and time of birth, address and ID number may be requested. In this procedure, you are obliged to provide truthful information. If you do not provide the requested data, your profile can be terminated immediately.


Duration of data storage

Accounting documents: 5 years

Contracts: Until the contracts are fulfilled, or until all disputes related to them are settled.

Account data of registered users: Up to 24 months from the last login

Data and documents related to complaint problems: 3 years

AML documents, data, for protection against money laundering: 2 years from the date of data provision.

Payment transaction data, data generated in connection with bonuses and commissions: 3 years

Credit card data: We do not store credit card data on our website or servers.

Information sheets, newsletters: 3 years

Content of contact forms, support data, documents: 3 years

Data and documents related to prize games: 2 years

Data generated in connection with websites and social media sites: 2 years

Aggregate information: 2 years

This applies to information that does not in itself identify you as a specific person. Such information includes the Uniform Resource Locator ("URL") of the website that referred you to our website, your Internet Protocol ("IP") address (the number automatically assigned to your computer when you browse the Internet), your operating system and browser type, and the search terms you enter on our website. Our web server aggregates this information in order to monitor the level of activity on our website, evaluate its effectiveness, and improve the content or our Website to make your visit an easy and enjoyable experience. We may collect, compile, store, publish, promote, report or otherwise disclose or use any aggregate information provided that such information does not identify you. We do not associate any personally identifiable information with the aggregate information collected on our Website. If we disclose any aggregated information to you, it will be protected under this Privacy Statement in the same way as any other personally identifiable information.

Passive information: 3 years

Collecting passive information

Cookies are features of web browser software that allow web servers to recognize the computer used to access a website. These are small pieces of data stored by the user's browser to simplify subsequent interactions with the website. This makes it easy for the user to move from one site to another and transact over the internet. Cookies should make your online experience easier and more personalized.

Our website uses cookies to collect information about the use of our website. Passive information collected may include the date and time of visits, pages viewed, time spent on our site, pages visited immediately before and after visiting our site. If you do not wish to transmit "cookie" information about yourself, you can turn off the cookie function in your browser.

Our website's servers also automatically identify your computer based on its Internet Protocol address, which is a unique number assigned to your computer by your Internet service provider. The IP address may be used to resolve problems with our server or to collect broad demographic information about users. We passively collect your IP address.

How do we use the collected information? In general, the people we employ directly or on our behalf as contractors or agents use Active Information to administer our business, provide customer support, and make available other products or services that we believe may be of interest to users.

We may use the Active or Passive Information you provide to contact you about various changes to our website, new services, features or products we offer. If at any time you do not wish to receive such information, you can "opt out" of this by changing your email preferences in the back office of the website.

We use passive information to collect information about users and improve our website to make it easier, faster and more user-friendly. In addition, cookies help us better understand the usage patterns of people who visit our website, which helps us improve our services. Passive information may result in you viewing certain advertisements based on your user habits.

Your data in relation to those to whom we refer

You may be able to access other websites through our website through hyperlinks. When you do so, you are subject to their privacy policy and data collection. Please read the privacy policies of those websites to make sure you agree to their terms before using those websites.

Sharing information with advertisers or other third parties

We may disclose anonymous information about user behavior to advertisers on our website. The parties providing services to us (Internet Service Providers) may also access your data during the provision of such services. If we buy or sell our company's assets, another company will need to review our company's assets, which may include your information, to make business decisions about acquiring those assets.

Sharing information with the government or as required by law

We may be required by subpoena, law or government agency to disclose both active and passive information that you have provided to us.


The Data Controller does not use profiling or automated decision-making.


We may transfer your personal data to recipients – state administration bodies, courts, law enforcement agencies, supervisory authorities in the field of anti-money laundering protection, consumer protection or payment services, which in certain cases are entitled to process your personal data.


In the context of marketing and advertising support, the Data Controller's website contains links to various social media sites, such as Facebook, INSTAGRAM, Twitter, LinkedIn or other online communication channels, such as YouTube. The Data Controller hereby informs you that after clicking on the add-on on the website and redirecting to the social media site or communication channel, the privacy policy of the data manager of the social media site or communication channel is applicable, except in cases where you include it in a message sent via social media sites the relationship with the Data Controller (in this case, the handling of your personal data is also governed by these Regulations, and the Data Controller handles your personal data in accordance with the above).

You can find more detailed information on the data management carried out by the data controllers of the social networking sites at the following links: (i) Facebook: https://hu-hu.facebook.com/privacy/explanation,

(ii) Instagram: https://hu-hu.facebook.com/help/instagram/155833707900388/,

(iii) LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy

(iv) Twitter: https://twitter.com/en/privacy

Youtube: https://policies.google.com/technologies/product-privacy?hl=hu.


We take special care to protect children's privacy needs and encourage parents to actively participate in their children's online activities. Our website does not target or solicit children under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect any personally identifiable information from them.


These Regulations are valid from August 1, 2024.

Considering that it may become necessary to update the contents of these Regulations in the future, the Data Controller reserves the right to update these Regulations at any time. In such a case, the Data Controller will inform you in an appropriate manner in advance.


Web policy

The purpose of these rules is to regulate the business web activities of the members of the Community.

It is the duty of the member to ensure that the information provided within the framework of the online marketing activity is true, does not mislead or mislead customers or potential members.

It is also forbidden to engage in any deceptive or misleading online promotional activities. (For example: spam, spam linking, blog spam, unethical search engine optimization (SEO), misleading click-through ads, unethical or disapproved banner ads, unauthorized press releases, etc.) Whether an activity is unauthorized or misleading is the sole responsibility of the Operator.

Spam Linking: Spam linking is the multiple, sequential posting of the same or similar content to blogs, guestbooks, websites, groups, or other publicly available online discussion boards or forums. Spam linking is prohibited.

Any comments you make on blogs, forums, guestbooks, groups should be real, unique, informative and relevant.

It is forbidden to register any domain name, email address, online name or alias that contains the text ZOYA.NINJA - RPS Virtual E-Sport Association or any compound abbreviation thereof.

The member must request approval and permission from the Operator before using any advertising text or banner text not issued by the Operator.

The member is also required to seek prior approval before registering any domain name or email address that may be associated with a Community-related activity.

The above provisions apply to Facebook, MySpace.com, Twitter.com, YouTube.com, Reditt.com, Tik-Tok, Linkedin, any personal blog or other personal websites, online advertisements and any other also for electronic or social web interfaces not marked here.

The use of Online Classifieds is prohibited.

Only logos and images approved in advance by the Community or the Operator may be used for advertising activities.

Community services may only be sold through the Community website.

Social sites (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, blogs, forums, and other social sites) are allowed. On these sites you can share the goals, mission, experience of the Community, but on these sites, sales are prohibited.

The member must avoid displaying obscene, discriminatory or vulgar content.

Sponsored links, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads, are acceptable if they lead to the member's own website or social networking site, but only if all of the following conditions are met:

a.) the member presents himself as a member of the Community,

b.) use only the allowed logo or image

c.) only real data and information will be deleted

When using social media or an external website, you should include the following about your community appearance:

a.) the Community logo from the approved templates

b.) the name and managerial rank of the member

c.) a clear indication that the member is independent of the Community and the Operator

General business ads

If the member advertises in a newspaper or other advertising space, the following rules apply:

No advertisement may indicate that it is for a job, position, salary or any other employment purpose

No advertisement may promote, represent, or suggest paid positions, managerial positions, hourly wages, full-time or part-time employment, or guaranteed income.

The use of terms related to employment or managerial position is prohibited (eg “senior trainee”, “available managerial positions”, “travel”, “interview invitation”, “available positions”, etc.)

Media and media interest

Members may not initiate any interaction with the media or attempt to respond to the media on matters relating to the Community or the Operator. All media inquiries must be forwarded to the Operator immediately.

Unsolicited e-mail communication

The Community and the Operator shall not permit Members to send unsolicited e-mails unless such e-mails are in strict compliance with applicable laws.

All unsolicited email must meet the following requirements:

• The sender must be a real person and have a working e-mail address,

• The email must inform the recipient that they can reply to the email or request that their email address be deleted

• The e-mail must clearly and conspicuously indicate that the message is one • advertisement or inquiry.

• All unsubscribe requests, whether received by email or regular mail, must be completed.


Violation of any provision set forth in these rules is a serious ethical violation.

The Member acknowledges that a serious ethical violation may result in the suspension of its account for 3 to 6 months and / or the closure of the account and the expulsion of the member from the Community.

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